Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary School, October 26, 2011

Posted in: Wasserman Serve Days |

On October 26, 2011, Casey Wasserman was joined by more than one hundred Wasserman Media Group volunteers, star athletes in baseball, basketball and soccer and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa for a school makeover at Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary School in Watts. At the day of service, volunteers painted murals, planted gardens, and repainted the school cafeteria. The day also culminated two weeks of improvements and renovations to the school donated from the Wasserman Foundation such as new trees, a new student entrance, new cafeteria tables, and re-painted columns.

Before & After Student Entrance

School signage, landscaping and concrete were all installed for the student entrance at Florence Griffith Joyner.

Before & After Cafeteria

Large mature trees were planted in between the school's cafeteria and playground.