Atlanta Hawks' Al Horford Visits Parkside Elementary School in Atlanta

Atlanta Hawks player Al Horford visited Parkside Elementary School in Atlanta, GA on December 11, as part of our partnership with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. This was Horford’s third school visit this year to encourage students to develop healthy habits and to celebrate the school’s health achievements. Horford toured the school, visited with kindergartners and spoke to more than 400 students about his own personal health and wellness.
Parkside Elementary School is part of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program and has received both Bronze and Silver awards for their success in creating a healthier school environment. Since joining the Healthy Schools Program, students are encouraged to play basketball before school and to rollerblade after school to increase daily physical activity. Teachers and school staff also incorporate posters and banners promoting the benefits of healthy living to keep students engaged.